Argos Software has the agribusiness
experience to meet your requirements
The ABECAS™ Insight Process Pack Ship Management Software is an enterprise-level system that provides full operations, management and accounting support for processors/packers who process/pack/ship their own product or product they have purchased from others.
The product may come into inventory directly from the field in an ungraded state and is then processed/packed by grade, size ready for shipment. Or, it may come from the field already packed by size, grade and package ready for shipment. Sales orders are taken against the available or expected product with grower payments being made based on product received or packed and, in some cases, based on the product sold. Managing production through the processing/packing process may or may not be a requirement. What is important is recording and tracking the packaged inventory from its source to its destination.
ABECAS™ Insight is an integrated system that is both modular and configurable. This allows you to build the system to meet your requirements. It allows you to begin with inventory management and sales and move into purchasing and production. The accounting information is captured no matter where you start. Production Management Software allows you to manage the production/packing process from planning through production into “shippable” inventory. Inventory can be tracked at the lot level (by grower, if needed) to provide traceability of product as well as availability by lot with quantities updated real-time based on the transactions. Sales orders can be taken as quotes or orders, confirmed, picked and invoiced. At the same time, commissions and grower payables against sales can be generated along with a process for managing deliveries. Customer drop shipments, consignment sales, specialized pricing, freight, royalties, and other features are available. Supplies purchasing can be managed through requisitions or directly as purchase orders with receipts immediately updating inventory availability and cost.
Agricultural processors/packers/shippers deal with unique production, sales and distribution requirements. These require software tailored to the industry with implementation and support by knowledgeable specialists. Argos Software has the agribusiness experience to meet these requirements.