Productivity Gap Increases as Majority of U.S. Warehouses are Supported by a WMS System

According to the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), a minority of companies without WMS software makes up about one-third of U.S. facilities (35%).

The rest of U.S. facilities have invested in WMS software helping them do more with their staff and creating quicker processes to help their companies grow.

A WMS system seems like the obvious way to get ahead in this industry, yet some have yet to jump aboard the bandwagon. WMS technology has slowly entered the warehouse space for 10 years, but the implementation rate is at a glacial pace. In fact, the survey revealed that some facilities are still using Excel as their prime operating system; others are using Quickbooks, an accounting software. WERC analysts say that respondents are concerned about cost, but one of the overriding reasons is the perception that implementation can take too much time.

The survey also suggested:

  • Voice-directed picking has grown the fastest over the last 10 years; Almost a quarter of respondents use the technology compared to just 6% in 2008.
  • Usage of conveyors, carousels, and advanced shipping notification has declined since 2008.

The majority of U.S. facilities, however, have seen the true results of investing in software. The benefits are clear: Greater transparency, efficiency, cost savings, analytics, ability to deliver e-commerce fulfillment, and opportunities for growth. Warehouses that are running systems that are disconnected from the digital supply chain are susceptible to falling farther behind their logistics partners — And the competition, which will guarantee customers faster and more efficient service. WMS software might be the solution to your company’s problems.

Does your facility use WMS software? What impact has it had on your company? If you don’t have WMS software yet, do you see your company making the investment soon? 

Contact Argos today to learn more about our WMS software and find out how we can help you. 

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